This article examines four cases that illustrate family disagreements, medical advances, and political involvement in end of life cases in which the patient did not have a directive.
- Articles
- ArticlesThis article focuses on . . . [t]he entitlement of a child, conceived using posthumously retrieved sperm, to social security benefits as a survivor of his or her father.
- ArticlesTypically, national property and casualty insurers sell property, indemnity, and liability insurance contracts. As a result, those insurers' sales and revenues increase from year to year.
- Student CommentsThis comment posits that before deeming an inheritance provision invalid as against public policy, a court must point to specific legal authority upon which...
- Student CommentsThis comment addresses whether homestead protection should exempt property from forfeiture that has resulted from criminal conduct or illegal use of the property.
- Student CommentsGenerally, courts are recognizing that the constitutional concerns raise equal protection issues, which highlight the ever increasing legal legitimacy of nonmarital children establishing their inheritance through DNA testing.